South African LD Triathlete of the Year 2011/2012

Sometimes there are just no answers to certain questions, and one has to satisfy one’s self with an array of probable explanations rather than some finite conclusion…
Having already spent a month in Subic, Philippines last year, I was pretty much convinced that I was sufficiently prepared in knowing what was coming. Yet, I have come to realise that the learning process is never complete if you actually open your ears, eyes and mind to what is happening around you….
A week has passed since I flogged what few possessions I have left, begged forgiveness from my two furry friends, and headed off back to the TBB training camp here in Subic Bay Philippines. I sat on the plane wondering how next time I would have only my car left to sell, OR I could actually win a damn race and stop settling for mediocrity! What I do know, is that this is the place that gets my mind where it should be, and ok, coach slaps it around a bit too, which is exactly what I need!!! It was great to see everyone from the rookie camp, and amazing to see the progress everyone has made. Even better was getting to see some of my heroes (who are some of the nicest people), here, training with me, with the only difference being that they are there, and I am still getting there, but part of the process is admitting that you still have some way to go, but making every day count.
Living in South Africa has taught me to always anticipate the unexpected, which puts me in good stead here. Some things are just surprising here in the Philippines, and, well other things just do not work here… Here are some highlights of me week so far:
• Wongstar’s new hair cut – she has a model hair cut that is super cool for the climate here, I am jealous of her new short coiffe, especially in this heat, but sadly, it will not work on my hair which becomes especially unruly with a fraction of atmospheric humidity. Wongstar says she will become model by the end of camp, and will have six-pack, so we are working on that project enthusiastically.
• Fast travel from Manila – Impossible on public roads, nothing more to be said.
• Red sweet peppers – Are often very hot chillies disguised as such.
• Dehydration – Sets in 5 minutes of any energy consuming activity, this includes taking a shower, cooking and walking across a road – you move = you sweat! I must be consuming at least 5 litres of beverage a day, and I think that I pee twice a day???
• Cockroaches – North Americans appear terrified by these? They run super fast and are virtually indestructible in a nuclear fallout – should we not be striving to be more like them? After all, they seem to be winning the race war?
• Monetary change – The Philippines operates on a small money basis – no store ever seems to have change, not sure if they expect everyone to have calculated the exact amount for everything that they buy, before hand, and have the exact amount on hand? A little difficult when no one seems prepared to give you change for any note above the smallest denomination in the first place? This puzzles me alot, and it happens at every store that you go to!
• Monkeys – are cute until they steal your stuff or toss all the garbage out of the bins while grinning at you!
• Plastic Upholstery – On anything that one sits on here is a complete no-no here! Made the mistake of taking a jet-lagged nap on the brown pleather couch in our house and woke up unable to get off it! If you sweat enough you will slide right off, and if you choose to stay stationary on it you will stay there until someone comes to your assistance…
• Missing shampoo – My shampoo (Pantene sleek and smooth if you must know) disappeared off the bathroom ledge after I opened the window to introduce the inside steam with the outside steam. The common theory is that the monkeys are to blame – Johnnyo has suggested that the shampoo must have had a banana/apple scent, and that I should try raspberry or beer flavour next time… I am on the prowl for the culprit with indigestion or unusually smooth hair…
Other news is that my calf injury that has been plaguing me for some time now is slowly easing off , and provided that I take it easy on downhills, I am able to run at a consistant pace, although I am dying to whirl around the track again, I first have to do the tortoise thing until the hare is ready to go again…


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