Life without the Dunkin' D
Filed Under Training Adventures
I put the blame soley on the coach. It is his fault that I am suffering from withdrawl symptoms. I am back home in Jo’burg, coughing on smog, trying stay calm when I am being pursued by angry taxi drivers and angrier BMW drivers. Life is tough here after being in what was near paradise for me in Subic. Imagine glorious hot days, great roads for riding on, with cordial drivers, outdoor pool and most importantly….Dunkin’ Donuts! Although common place in other parts of the world, there is nothing that comes close to those darn donuts here!
It all happened when we had finished our swim at the pool one day, when we got out only to see a couple of boxes of the most heavenly looking donuts I have ever seen on the table! The coach claims they were sponsored by the evil Jerry, but I think it was a conspiracy. Once past being polite I sunk my teeth into the most delicious donut I have ever tasted (in fact I think I actually snuck in another 2!). As a result, I became instantly addicted and had to fight the temptation each time the Wongstar and I went into town…
So now that I am home there are a few things that I am missing about Subic and the Philippines:
– My SUPER TBB team mates who were all great, and when the going got tough most managed to still laugh!
– Dunkin’ Donuts, especially the “Boston Creme”
– The best massage place, I even loved the Kenny G saxophone music…
– Shopping for stuff that actually fits with the Wongstar
– The Monkeys
– Lush green tropical scenery and turquoise ocean
– Jeepneys
– Hilarious TV commercials
– SA – Canada – USA basketball challenges on the court at Forest View
– Always looking for change
– Friendly Pinoys
– Riding on my own to Ocean Adventure…