South African LD Triathlete of the Year 2011/2012


It was one of those rides. Post-big-race, easy, relaxed and mostly stress free. Last week I went out with a couple of friends for a “fun” ride around the southern suburbs of Johannesburg. While riding I was discussing how the weather is now firmly turned to Autumn and the air has gotten alot thinner and drier….. so yes, South Africans also discuss the weather and how we are going to survive the 3 months of Winter here???

Anyhow, my topic for this blog is not actually “The Weather”, but rather a very important discovery that I made on an otherwise very unimportant ride…

The Bean discovered a street that is named after her!!!! (At least I like to think it was!). I had to bring the entire group of people that I was with to a screeching holt and beg someone to take a picture (Everyone in Jo’burg rides with a state of the art camera cell phone and stun gun!). I do have to admit that the whole process had to be undertaken rather quickly as “Koll Rd” is indeed in a rather dodgy area with strange people lurking with broken beer bottles in hand…



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