South African LD Triathlete of the Year 2011/2012

Changing the Seasons

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If there was one power I have always wished to have, it is the power to change the seasons. I hate winter! This past week, the changing of the seasons occured in more than one sense in South Africa…. On Monday, it was summer at 26 deg, on Tuesday I was suddenly huddled under a […]

Bean has a street name!

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It was one of those rides. Post-big-race, easy, relaxed and mostly stress free. Last week I went out with a couple of friends for a “fun” ride around the southern suburbs of Johannesburg. While riding I was discussing how the weather is now firmly turned to Autumn and the air has gotten alot thinner and […]

Two out of three at IM SA

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This year a number of changes affected my attitude going into IM SA, most of which were the direct result of Brett’s coaching and the wonderful athletes on the team. No longer was I afraid of getting my head kicked in by all the foreign pros who have loads more experience than I have, but […]

The tapeworm, a weird rash and the flasher!

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The Bean has never felt this chilled the day before a race, this does not mean that I have been free from “Bean” moments…. The Tapeworm Since my arrival here in PE on Thursday I am convinced that I have contracted a tapeworm. I seem completely unable to stop myself from eating and snacking! It […]